
BrAVO Spring Meeting 2025 – Sight and Synapse – Exploring Neuro-ophthalmology

BrAVO (British Association of Veterinary Ophthalmologists) is delighted to invite all our members, new and old, to our annual pre-BSAVA Spring Meeting in Manchester on Wednesday 19th March 2025. This year we have a full day of lectures covering topics in neuro-ophthalmology, both from an ophthalmology and from a neurology perspective. We are delighted to have engaged Dr Elsa Beltran, Associate Professor in Neurology-Neurosurgery at the Royal Veterinary College in London, UK and Màrian Matas Riera, EBVS Specialist in Veterinary Ophthalmology, from Memvet, Palma, Mallorca. There will be exhibits from our sponsors and refreshments including lunch provided during the day. Don’t miss out on this great opportunity to connect with fellow professionals; come and exchange ideas, collaborate, and enjoy high quality education.

General admission: £200
Nurse / intern / undergraduate / senior: £170

ISVO An-Vision Travel Scholarship 2024

ISVO An-Vision Travel Scholarship 2024

We are happy to share the details below regarding call for applications for the first round of 2024
ISVO-an-vision Travel Scholarship. Please forward the  announcement below to others who may be eligible/interested.

Thanks to the enduring and generous support of an-vision, we are thrilled to invite ISVO members (individual or institutional) to apply for a Travel Scholarship. The scholarship provides financial aid up to $2500 USD intended to support the scholar to visit a center of excellence in Veterinary Ophthalmology. The one-month experience is expected to be completed within 12 months of award of the scholarship. The awardee will also receive a complimentary one-year subscription to the journal Veterinary Ophthalmology, generously donated by the American College of Veterinary Ophthalmologists.

We encourage applicants to contact prospective facilities to discuss their availability to host a travelling scholar, and – while any ISVO member that is not already in an ophthalmology training program is welcome to apply – successful applicants have tended to be those who would otherwise lack access to advanced practices in the field. We hope that the scholarship will facilitate professional connections that might not otherwise be possible. More background on the scholarship can be found at Prior individuals who have been awarded this scholarship, and their stories can be found at

The deadline for application for scholarship  is May 21st.

Applications should include:

  1. A full curriculum vitae
  2. A plan of the study to be undertaken, including a short statement

justifying the need for funding

  1. A letter from the ophthalmologist at the host institution

supporting your application

Selection of the successful applicant will be made by members of the ISVO Executive Committee and any decision will be final. A one-page report detailing what has been learned during the externship and your future goals is expected within one month of completing the externship. Previously-unsuccessful applicants are welcome to re–apply.

Kind regards,

 Your ISVO Scholarship Committee

BrAVO Spring Meeting 2024 – Uveitis & Emerging Infectious Diseases

At BrAVO, we are delighted to welcome all our members to the pre-BSAVA Spring Meeting 2024 in Manchester. This year we have a full day of lectures covering topics of uveitis and its relation to systemic disease.

Registration will start at 9 am, with proceedings starting from 9:30 am. There will be exhibits from our sponsors and refreshments provided during the day.

Standard (BrAVO membership required): £180
Nurses, Interns, Students: £150

Deadline for registration is Wednesday 13th March 2024, 7:00pm GMT.

ESVO Meeting 2023 – Rome

Details here:

“Dear friends, colleagues and fellow ophthalmologists,

On behalf of the European Society of Veterinary Ophthalmology board, I am pleased to invite you to our Annual Meeting in 2023. It will be held in Rome, Italy, between September 28th and October 1st and the main topic will be “Ocular Diagnostic Imaging”.

Rome will be the meeting point for veterinary ophthalmologists wishing to learn the latest high level information on ocular imaging. This meeting always aims to have a high scientific level along with being very practical and with a friendly atmosphere.

You can expect a Hereditary Eye Disease session with many challenging slides and interactive explanations of hereditary eye diseases and breed predisposition with Dr Adolfo Guandalini (DMV, Ph.D., Dipl.ECVO, DIU). Recent approaches in ocular imaging will be presented in a two and a half-day scientific programme by the main speakers, Ursula M. Dietrich (Dipl ECVO) and Anna Groth (Dipl ECVDI). The scientific programme will also include oral presentations and a poster session, abstracts being printed in the online version of Veterinary Ophthalmology.

Two practical workshops, one devoted to the surgical treatment of glaucoma with Dr. Adolfo Guandalini, and the second one focusing on ultrasonography with Dr. Ursula Dietrich and Dr. Anna Groth, will take place on Sunday.

During all congress days, sponsors and exhibitors will present you the most recent innovations in the veterinary ophthalmology field and will be ready to welcoming you. Social programme will enable you to enjoy the beautiful city of Rome!

Finally, we would like to remind you that the call for abstracts will open shortly and that you may submit your work in the Abstracts section of our official website. More details are coming soon.

We are looking forward to seeing you all in Rome!

Best personal regards

Esmeralda Delgado
ESVO President”

BrAVO Winter Meeting 2023 – Brachycephalic Ocular Syndrome

We are excited to announce our upcoming Winter Meeting in the Forest of Arden (November 10-12). This year we will be covering our ever-prevalent brachycephalic patients! Topics will include ophthalmic disease, as well as other concurrent issues they may present with and how best to manage anaesthesia. Further details on the full lecture programme to follow. Bookings can now be made for part or all of the conference (+/- accommodation).

BrAVO membership will be required to attend (except nurses and students).

Prices can be found here.

Recordings of BrAVO Spring Meeting 2023 – Conjunctivitis, Blepharitis & Tear Film Abnormalities

Thanks to everyone who attended our Winter meeting, it was great to see so many of you! For those who who were unable to attend, we are pleased to offer recordings of the whole day’s lectures. The recordings will remain online until 9th September 2023.

You need to be a BrAVO member to purchase these. Once purchased via the link below, you will be sent the link and password to watch the lectures online. For those who haven’t subscribed yet for BrAVO membership this year, there is the option to buy this at the same time as accessing the recordings.

BrAVO Members: Access to Spring Meeting 2023 – £170
Non-Members: Access to Spring Meeting 2023 & Annual BrAVO Membership – £235

Deadline for purchasing the recordings is 30th June 2023, 10:00pm GMT.

BrAVO Spring Meeting 2023 – Conjunctivitis, Blepharitis & Tear Film Abnormalities

At BrAVO, we are delighted to welcome all our members to the pre-BSAVA Spring Meeting 2023 in Manchester. We have a full day of lectures covering disorders of the conjunctiva, eyelids and tear film.

Registration will start at 9 am, with proceedings starting from 9:30 am. There will be exhibits from our sponsors and refreshments provided during the day.

Standard (BrAVO membership required): £175
Nurses, Interns, Students: £120

Deadline for registration is Wednesday 8th March 2023, 7:00pm GMT.

Recordings of BrAVO Winter Meeting 2022 – Linking Disciplines

Thanks to everyone who attended our Winter meeting, it was great to see so many of you! For those who who were unable to attend, we are pleased to offer recordings of the whole event at a discounted price of £300. The recordings will remain online until 23rd March 2023.

You need to be a BrAVO member to purchase these. Once purchased via the link below, you will be sent the link and password to watch the lectures online. For those who haven’t subscribed yet for BrAVO membership this year, there is the option to buy this at the same time as accessing the recordings.

BrAVO Members: Access to Winter Meeting 2022 – £300
Non-Members: Access to Winter Meeting 2022 & Annual BrAVO Membership – £345

Deadline for purchasing the recordings is 1st March 2023, 10:00pm GMT.